How to Tackle Advanced Programming Challenges: A Guide with Master-Level Questions and Solutions

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Master advanced programming with our detailed solutions to complex Haskell and Java problems. Get top-notch Haskell assignment help in Australia from Programming Homework Help, your trusted expert in programming assistance.

Programming assignments can be a daunting task, especially for students striving to master complex concepts. At Programming Homework Help, we understand the intricacies involved in tackling these assignments and provide comprehensive support to students across the globe, including Haskell assignment help in Australia. In this blog post, we will delve into some advanced programming questions and solutions to help you enhance your skills and ace your assignments.

Understanding the Complexity of Advanced Programming

Advanced programming questions often require a deep understanding of algorithms, data structures, and language-specific features. These questions are designed to test your problem-solving abilities and proficiency in coding. Let’s explore two master-level programming questions, complete with detailed solutions provided by our expert.

Master-Level Programming Question 1: Implementing a Custom AVL Tree in Haskell

An AVL tree is a self-balancing binary search tree where the difference between heights of left and right subtrees cannot be more than one for all nodes. This ensures the tree remains balanced, providing O(log n) time complexity for search, insert, and delete operations.

Problem Statement

Implement a custom AVL tree in Haskell with the following functionalities:

  1. Insertion of a node
  2. Deletion of a node
  3. Searching for a node
  4. Displaying the tree in pre-order, in-order, and post-order traversals


To implement an AVL tree in Haskell, we will define a data structure for the tree, along with functions for insertion, deletion, searching, and traversal.

-- Define the data structure for AVL Tree
data AVLTree a = Empty
| Node a (AVLTree a) (AVLTree a) Int
deriving (Show, Eq)

-- Helper function to get the height of the tree
height :: AVLTree a - Int
height Empty = 0
height (Node _ _ _ h) = h

-- Helper function to calculate balance factor
balanceFactor :: AVLTree a - Int
balanceFactor Empty = 0
balanceFactor (Node _ left right _) = height left - height right

-- Function to perform right rotation
rotateRight :: AVLTree a - AVLTree a
rotateRight (Node x (Node y leftY rightY) right) =
Node y leftY (Node x rightY right)

-- Function to perform left rotation
rotateLeft :: AVLTree a - AVLTree a
rotateLeft (Node x left (Node y leftY rightY)) =
Node y (Node x left leftY) rightY

-- Function to balance the AVL tree
balance :: AVLTree a - AVLTree a
balance tree@(Node x left right _)
| balanceFactor tree 1 = if balanceFactor left = 0
then rotateRight tree
else rotateRight (Node x (rotateLeft left) right)
| balanceFactor tree -1 = if balanceFactor right = 0
then rotateLeft tree
else rotateLeft (Node x left (rotateRight right))
| otherwise = tree
balance tree = tree

-- Function to insert a node into the AVL tree
insert :: (Ord a) = a - AVLTree a - AVLTree a
insert x Empty = Node x Empty Empty 1
insert x tree@(Node y left right _)
| x y = balance (Node y (insert x left) right)
| x y = balance (Node y left (insert x right))
| otherwise = tree

-- Function to find the minimum value node in a tree
findMin :: AVLTree a - AVLTree a
findMin (Node x Empty _) = Node x Empty Empty 1
findMin (Node _ left _) = findMin left

-- Function to delete a node from the AVL tree
delete :: (Ord a) = a - AVLTree a - AVLTree a
delete _ Empty = Empty
delete x (Node y left right _)
| x y = balance (Node y (delete x left) right)
| x y = balance (Node y left (delete x right))
| otherwise = case right of
Empty - left
_ - balance (Node minVal left (delete minVal right))
where (Node minVal _ _) = findMin right

-- Function to search for a node in the AVL tree
search :: (Ord a) = a - AVLTree a - Bool
search _ Empty = False
search x (Node y left right _)
| x == y = True
| x y = search x left
| otherwise = search x right

-- Pre-order traversal
preOrder :: AVLTree a - [a]
preOrder Empty = []
preOrder (Node x left right _) = [x] ++ preOrder left ++ preOrder right

-- In-order traversal
inOrder :: AVLTree a - [a]
inOrder Empty = []
inOrder (Node x left right _) = inOrder left ++ [x] ++ inOrder right

-- Post-order traversal
postOrder :: AVLTree a - [a]
postOrder Empty = []
postOrder (Node x left right _) = postOrder left ++ postOrder right ++ [x]

In this implementation, we define the AVLTree data structure and provide functions for insertion, deletion, searching, and traversals. Each function ensures the tree remains balanced after every operation, maintaining the properties of an AVL tree. This solution is part of our comprehensive Haskell assignment help Australia.

Master-Level Programming Question 2: Multi-threading with Java Executor Service

Multi-threading is a powerful feature in Java that allows concurrent execution of tasks. The Executor Service framework simplifies multi-threading by managing a pool of threads and assigning tasks to them.

Problem Statement

Implement a Java program using the Executor Service framework to perform the following tasks:

  1. Read a large file and count the frequency of each word.
  2. Sort the words based on their frequencies.
  3. Write the sorted words and their frequencies to an output file.


To implement this solution, we will create multiple threads to read the file and count word frequencies concurrently. We will then sort the results and write them to an output file.

import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.*;

public class WordFrequencyCounter {
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, IOException {
String inputFile = "largeTextFile.txt";
String outputFile = "wordFrequencies.txt";

ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4);

// Read file and count word frequencies
MapString, Integer wordFrequencies = countWordFrequencies(executorService, inputFile);

// Sort words by frequency
ListMap.EntryString, Integer sortedWordFrequencies = sortWordFrequencies(wordFrequencies);

// Write sorted frequencies to output file
writeFrequenciesToFile(sortedWordFrequencies, outputFile);


private static MapString, Integer countWordFrequencies(ExecutorService executorService, String fileName) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
ListFutureMapString, Integer futures = new ArrayList();
MapString, Integer wordFrequencies = new ConcurrentHashMap();

try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName))) {
String line;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
CallableMapString, Integer task = () - {
MapString, Integer localFrequencies = new HashMap();
String[] words = line.split("\\s+");
for (String word : words) {
localFrequencies.put(word, localFrequencies.getOrDefault(word, 0) + 1);
return localFrequencies;
} catch (IOException e) {

for (FutureMapString, Integer future : futures) {
MapString, Integer result = future.get();
result.forEach((key, value) - wordFrequencies.merge(key, value, Integer::sum));

return wordFrequencies;

private static ListMap.EntryString, Integer sortWordFrequencies(MapString, Integer wordFrequencies) {
return wordFrequencies.entrySet()
.sorted((e1, e2) - e2.getValue().compareTo(e1.getValue()))

private static void writeFrequenciesToFile(ListMap.EntryString, Integer sortedWordFrequencies, String fileName) {
try (BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(fileName))) {
for (Map.EntryString, Integer entry : sortedWordFrequencies) {
writer.write(entry.getKey() + ": " + entry.getValue());
} catch (IOException e) {

In this solution, we utilize the Executor Service framework to handle multi-threaded word frequency counting. We split the task into smaller units, allowing multiple threads to process lines of the file concurrently. The results are then combined, sorted, and written to an output file. This approach significantly improves the performance of handling large files and is a testament to our expertise in providing Haskell assignment help in Australia and other programming languages.


Mastering advanced programming concepts is essential for excelling in your assignments and future career. At Programming Homework Help, we are committed to providing you with the support you need, whether through sample assignments, detailed solutions, or expert guidance. If you’re looking for Haskell assignment help in Australia or any other programming assistance, feel free to reach out to us. Our
